Turn Up Your Inner Light

Turn Up Your Inner Light


I was in meditation using the RIM method and my body brought up strange energy in my arm, I was instructed to pull it out and look at what it was. It was a Japanese star, round-bladed weapon. I described it in my mind noticing that it was black, with red lettering or design with very shape blades. I moved my awareness into the weapon and spoke to myself as the weapon. It said to me, “This is you, ready for action.” Then, I was instructed to throw that weapon as far and as fast I could. It is time that I step into my power. It was as though I was sending myself out to every being I have ever touched, looked at, talked to, pissed off, loved, kissed, shared a moment, everyone, alerting them to ready themselves.

At that moment, I knew that everyone I have ever come in contact with has a seed of my light in them. If I turn up my light, theirs will turn up too. I am not just talking about those with whom I have had a good relationship. Everyone. The guy who raped me. The people that were mean to me in my past. Those who don’t like me. My friends and classmates along the way. All those cute boys I kissed when I was unmarried. Everyone. So, I beamed my light out into the world with as much vigor as I could knowing that all over this world, anyone who has ever come in contact with me would have their light turned up too. I spent about 10 minutes turning up and beaming out my light.

My sweet mind brought in all the people, one by one. It made me aware that if every one of these people turns up their inner light ever so slightly, our world will be brighter, lighter and more love-filled. That is what we need. I can only do something about me. But based on what the thought leaders/scientists Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza say, we are all connected, if we were ever connected, and will always be connected. My light seed is in everyone I have touched, good and bad, comfortable and uncomfortable. I can turn mine up and this will turn it up in everyone else. Imagine. I can only do something about me, but it may have a great impact collectively on my soul family, you know who you are. If you do this, I will feel it too and benefit from you turning your light up too.


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