The alchemization of form is simply the demonstration of realization —Paul Selig.
This is a mouthful. Often, I have to read things many times to unravel the meaning. When I read this, I immediately said, “Dang, this is true.” Based on my recent experiences in ceremony at Rythmia and meditation, I am called to bring about or bring up or call upon those things that need to be healed in me and in others with whom I am working and transmute the energy into something love-based.
Let’s take sexual trauma as an example. Energetically, we call all sexually traumatic experiences to be witnessed, felt, and acknowledged. We bring in painful experiences from the receiver and the perpetrator (there is a reason someone behaves this way and they need healing too.) We are putting this information into a cauldron or a vessel until it feels complete and full. We are welcome as many perspectives as we can to properly inform the process. Once the vessel is fully informed, we close it.
After these experiences have been shared and put into the vessel, they are transmuted through our hands and intention. I never know what this energy will transmute into. What commonly results from transmuting sexual trauma is a pure heart, self-forgiveness, freedom, lightness, and self-love.
The first time I was shown this it was like I was seeing a roasting pan with a lid. Into the pan went the pain and suffering of the people. We cooked the lidded pan with loving energy. When it was done we remove the lid to find a treasure, transmuted energy of forgiveness and self-love, made up of all of the necessary ingredients of pain and suffering.
One might say, “You learned the lesson.” But that doesn’t feel right. It is more like, “You realize the lesson and are grateful for the understanding.” Our experiences in life lead to our wisdom and compassion. It feels good to witness and acknowledge the experiences, apply love and light to them, and watch them transmute into the gifts they are.