Healing 101: Aligning With Your Higher Self Step 3

Healing 101: Aligning With Your Higher Self Step 3


Step 3: Identify the Treasures

Now that you have done Step 2: Clearing the Muck, The Holding of your issues and emotions and the healing of The Many Yous through meditation, you are ready to identify your inner treasures, your strengths.

The next step in our process of healing is to identify the treasures of our mind and self that are serving us well. We want more of that. It would be like looking in the untended garden to see what is worth saving, what you would like to remain; what needs fertilizing and protecting so that it can grow and flourish. In a SWOT analysis, these are the strengths. Let’s look for our personal strengths and see how we can support the growth and development of these strengths.

In my garden, I pull out the Dr. Huey plants, those that have broken from the graft and no longer know how to grow and blossom, and replace them with new plants that know that their job is to stand tall and bloom. I add rose food to the base of each rose to strengthen its constitution so that it can naturally resist the yellow spot and dusty mildew. I research what plants complement the growth and health of roses and plant them adjacent so that both can help each other thrive. This is the process of looking for and growing our strengths. Begin by answering these questions:

What makes me unique?

What do I receive the most compliments on?

What do I bring to the work space that deserves recognition?

What really lights me up and makes me feel great?

What do I LOVE to do more than anything?

Next . . .

We are going to create an “I am” list. Begin with things like mother, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, consumer . . . As soon as possible move to the things that can never change—I am loved, loving, lovable. If you lost everything, what still remains? Once you get to this point in the list you are identifying the real, authentic you that is unshakable. Circle the items on the list that you are most proud of.

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

I am__________________________________________________

Turn the page over to continue. There should be lots of these.

My good qualities, gifts, talents, skills, characteristics are . . .

  1. _______________________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________________________
  6. _______________________________________________________________
  7. _______________________________________________________________

My greatest accomplishments so far are . . .

  1. _______________________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________________________
  6. _______________________________________________________________
  7. _______________________________________________________________

Nine things I LOVE to do:

  1. _______________________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________________________
  6. _______________________________________________________________
  7. _______________________________________________________________
  8. _______________________________________________________________
  9. _______________________________________________________________

What are my main motivators (money, recognition, goals, pleasing parents or others, purpose)?

  1. _______________________________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________________________

What sort of work or activity brings me the greatest feeling of importance and satisfaction?


I am proud to say, I have made the following sacrifices to get to where I am today . . .


What resources do I have that makes me uniquely capable?


What resources do I need to live a happier life and accomplish my goals?


How will I know when I am successful? What defines success for me?


The three most important values, qualities, and factors in my life today are . . .

  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________

Answering these questions helps us identify what is good about us. It helps us recognize why we are great, worth loving, unique and valuable. Don’t hold back in your answers. No one is going to read these. Ask the ego to step aside because this is about the true you, not the egoic you.

Next, we will take these answers and use them to define our ideal future. To go to Step 4: Define Our Future click here.


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Becky Prater
Becky Prater
Becky Prater
discovering your inner strengths
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