Blessing Disguised as Inconvenience

Blessing Disguised as Inconvenience


Sometimes blessings are disguised as inconveniences. It’s the magic of life. I believe in magic, the kind that speaks from within and helps you know what to do, where to go, what to say.

[bctt tweet=”I believe in magic, the kind that speaks from within and helps you know what to do, where to go, what to say.” username=”beckyprater”]

I believe in the magic of The Universe, where once you decide what you want out of life – a job, or relationship – support races in to help you achieve it. I believe in little miracles that occur everyday sometimes disguised as inconveniences, to support our efforts and desires.

Things Weren’t Going Well

About three years into my clothing business, I was totally frustrated. The economy was in the crapper. My business partner and I did not share the same vision. The business was based on an esoteric idea of “beckoning things to our life through our practice and intention” (thus the name Beckons) but she didn’t believe in that sort of thing. Because the economy was so bad, no one was buying yoga clothing from the studios where we were selling our wares.

SBA Lit a Fire Under My Butt

In an effort to make a better plan for the future, I attended a mentoring session with the Small Business Administration, looking for financial advice about moving forward in light of the bad economy. After reviewing my financials, the mentor said,

“I can’t believe your HUSBAND is letting you do this. You don’t know what you are doing.”

Seriously? What I was DOING is seeking help and support for a situation that I knew needed to be different. That man made me feel like a total failure. He had worked in the computer consulting industry where you hang out your shingle and start bringing in money. With the fashion industry, there is inventory, production minimums, customers who have to find your product, try it on, have it fit and make their butt look smaller. The clothing has to smooth out their cellulite, while also enabling complete movement and comfort while doing yoga. We also need to throw in that it has to be eco-friendly, organic, support sustainable cotton production, and look good on a hanger. Ack!

This man was awful. I completely broke down and started crying (this is a common reaction among the women in my family.) Through the tears, I said to the nasty SBA consultant, “I cannot believe you just said that to me. If I were a failure, I wouldn’t be here right now seeking help. You know nothing about the intricacies of the fashion industry,” and I walked out. He followed me out and happened to be parked right in front of my car. He had a parking ticket greeting him upon arrival. Bam! Thank you, Universe.

I am Not a Failure

I knew I wasn’t a failure; I just had to make a new plan for moving forward in the challenging economy. For goodness sake, I had started a clothing company, was selling clothing in yoga studios around the country, had very devoted customers and was working toward my life-long dream of providing amazing, organic clothing to the world. Woo hoo! It was amazing to me. Sure, my financial situation was a bit gloomy at the time. Due to the recession, nearly everyone’s was.

The Universe to the Rescue

A few days later, I had to go to Xpedx, the wholesale paper store, to get some citrus green paper. This was before citrus green was reserved for the marijuana business. I live about 20 minutes from the store. As I was driving, I encountered SEVERAL road closures, tons of traffic, and a long, slow train. By the time I arrived, my nerves were completely shot.

I navigated through this warehouse of paper to find two people standing directly in front of what I needed, contemplating and discussing the various shades of paper and importance of choosing the correct color for the intention of the presentation. I stood quietly afar as not to make anyone nervous or feel like they had to move. I wasn’t in a hurry. However, I am always on a mission and move through my day with stealth efficiency. This was putting a damper on the efficiency plan. After about 10 minutes the sales associate left and the man buying paper turned to me asking about which color his eco-friendly newsletter should be printed on. Seeing myself as somewhat of a color expert, I was happy to help.

Is He for Real?

Before long, this man, Russ Campbell, said to me, completely out of context, “You cannot buy vision. You can pay someone to help manage every part of your company. But, you can not buy the vision.” He went on to say he had just completed a coffee table book on entrepreneurs and determined the key element among all the successful entrepreneurs was that they had a clear vision. This man was affirming my belief in myself that eventually, I too, will “get there” because I have vision, despite what nasty SBA man said to the contrary.

Mr. Campbell continued saying that each piece would be given to me. I didn’t need to buy out my business partner because she would step out due to her own life complications. He said the money would come and that I should just progress on course with a new financial plan.

While the guy was talking, I was looking around his head for the radiant beams of light coming from the heavens. I knew this man was sent from God to help me. Afterwards, I Googled Russ Campbell to see if he was a real live human or an angel sent to make me feel better after the mentor attack. Yes, he is a real man, indeed. Angel Campbell was sent from God to deliver a very important message. I love how The Universe does that. I sure needed the support.

Take Away

The next time something crazy-frustrating happens, consider that it could be The Universe working its magic to get you to show up at the perfect time, say the perfect thing, or change your path. YOU might even be the person God speaks through to deliver an essential message to a stranger. I love this idea!

Has anything like this happened to you? Please share in the comments.


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