Are You Worthy?

Are You Worthy?


Did your mind jump to the 1990’s SNL Wayne’s World skit with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey, bowing to their idols saying, “I’m not worthy”? They were hilarious as scraggly, slacker guys producing a local TV show. For Wayne and Garth, it was about NOT being worthy of standing in a “greater” person’s presence.

Recently, a friend mentioned something about not being worthy in the eyes of God. Imagine bowing to God saying, “I’m not worthy,” in your best Mike Myers’ impersonation. How would God react to this? I am pretty sure SHE would say, “Wrong. There is no such thing as UNWORTHY.” OK, that sounds pretty negative. More likely, she would embrace you with loving energy, saying, “There is no such thing as unworthy; I love you all and send each and everyone of you abundance every minute.” There are several passages in The Bible that speak about worthiness.


This got me thinking about the concept of WORTHY. Here is the definition according to

Wor thy / ˈwərT͟Hē/ adjective

  1. having worth or value
  2. having sufficient worth or importance
  3. having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way.

Referencing #3—A person may not be worthy of a promotion or raise due to lack of effort. However, the person remains capable of rising to the level where they are deserving of recognition if they are WILLING to do the work. In theory, all people in the work place have the ability to succeed and be rewarded accordingly, if they are willing to do what it takes.

Are you worthy of someone’s trust? Keeping someone’s secrets, showing up on time and honoring your commitments are all evidence of deserving someone’s trust. A non-trustworthy person would be one who talks behind your back, reveals your secrets and does not show up as promised. A person is not innately UN-trustworthy. It is chosen and habitual behavior that can be changed with effort and commitment.

Worthy in the Eyes of God

I want to talk specifically about #1 having worth or value and #2 having sufficient worth or importance—“worthiness in the eyes of God.” Please substitute The Universe or God-particle or Universal Energy if it makes you more comfortable. If we think about God as Love and Love as energy/vibration, every being is capable of giving and receiving love energy. It has nothing to do with being worthy. It just comes and goes; we receive it or resist it. All people are equally capable of receiving and giving this energy. We are all vibration. This vibration doesn’t discriminate or judge, it merely comes and goes. The Universe doesn’t send abundance and love to some and not others. There is abundance and success energy that come to all of us. It is the individual that accepts it gracefully or rejects it based on his or her own concept of self-worth.

[bctt tweet=”We accept love and abundance gracefully or reject it based on our sense of self-worth.” username=”beckyprater”]

Are You Willing?

I believe we should be asking ourselves a different question. Rather than, “Am I worthy?” Let’s ask “AM I WILLING?” Are you willing to receive this love and abundance energy? Are you willing to do what it takes to make great things happen? Are you willing to change your behavior, thinking, or habits to show up to receive this love/abundance/success? Are you willing to allow this flow of abundance to take place? Those who say, “Yes, I will do whatever it takes,” will receive (allow themselves to receive) more abundance than someone who hesitates and resists. That’s how energy flow works. You are the gate keeper. Love is all around; coming at us in all directions, through all people and experiences.

[bctt tweet=”Love energy doesn’t discriminate or judge, it merely comes and goes.” username=”beckyprater”]

Final Take Away:

With success, abundance and love, it’s not about being worthy. Every person has equal access to abundance and success. God / The Universe is non-judging. The question should be AM I WILLING to accept the love/abundance. AM I WILLING to do what it takes to succeed and then, AM I WILLING to take on the responsibility of the success by being a good steward of the resulting abundance.

Action Step

Everyday, open yourself of up to receiving the abundance of The Universe and say,

“Yes, I am willing to do what it takes to be my most awesome self!”




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