Six Steps to Developing a Confident Sense of Style: Take Inventory

Six Steps to Developing a Confident Sense of Style: Take Inventory


Thank you, Maggie Aldworth, for letting us use this adorable photo of you walking the streets of NYC. Not everyone can sport such a cute pixie cut, but you wear it well!

Now that you have spent some time thinking about who you are and how you want to present yourself. Let’s take inventory of what we already have . . .

Step 2: Take Inventory

With a clearer sense of who you are and these five descriptive terms, it is time to assess what you currently own that fits the authentic you. Think about the outfit that makes you feel your best, as identified in the previous step. What about it is so special? How does it make you feel and why? What other garments in your current wardrobe do you love? What do you need to get rid of? What do you need to add to your wardrobe to present your unique style?

First, select your favorite items and lay them out in full view. Identify what you love about them. Are they supremely comfortable? Do they flatter your shape? Does the color accentuate your eyes? This should give you a glimpse of your current style: what you feel most comfortable wearing-short skirts or long flowing dresses, jeans and t-shirts, business suits or yoga clothes. Pay attention to the colors you like. Consider your shoes and accessories as well. Remember, nothing is wrong with any of your choices. People seem to be embarrassed to say they “live in yoga pants.” These days, they make yoga pants that can actually be worn to the office with a nice sweater or jacket and pass for professional. Anything goes if it is paired with the right thing and worn with confidence.

Evaluate Each Garment in Your Wardrobe

Evaluate each remaining piece in your wardrobe and ask yourself:

Have I worn it in the last year?
Is it worn out, ripped or stained?
Does it fit? Is it too long or short?
Is it out of style?
Does the color look good on me?
Does it match anything else in my wardrobe?

With a critical mind, put each garment in one of three piles, “keep,” “give,” and “not sure.” Keep only what makes you feel great when you wear it. Otherwise, put it in one of the other two piles. With the items you are not sure about, you might want to put them in a bag and revisit the items in six months, rather than give them away at this point. If you haven’t needed it within those six months, share it with someone who will wear it, and move it out of your space.

Eventually, you will put the “gives” in a donation bag. You should hang onto the bag for one month so friends can go through it or you can reconsider. Getting rid of clothes you do not use is an essential step in moving stuck energy out of your life. It feels great.

Trendy clothing is tricky. Once the trend is over, the garment looks dated and you may feel uncomfortable wearing it. That being said, it may also be one of your favorite items that made you feel great. If you can no longer wear this with confidence, but cannot get rid of it, put it in a “clothing treasures” box. My mother handed over her clothing treasures box to me when I was in high school. The garments were the perfect vintage to look amazing in the new decade of my high school years. It takes about twenty years for a trend to cycle back. Some clothing you cannot part with because it represents an important moment in your life. These are special garments to hang on to and marvel (or laugh) at years later.

If your weight has changed recently and you are holding on to some favorite clothing pieces in case you get back to your desired size, put these items into your clothing treasures bin. It is okay to hang on to the treasured items that once fit with the hope they someday will fit again. If you don’t fit into them in the future, you will have them to share with the next generation. Remember, they have to be awesome pieces of clothing or they should be put in the “giveaway” bag right from the start.

The last step in the inventory process is to donate. One month later (create an event on your smartphone to remind you), take the remaining items to the Goodwill or Salvation Army and take the tax write-off. You can also take them to a consignment shop to generate cash.

Next Installment . . . Part 3: Seeking Inspiration.

To read all the parts of the series:


Step 1: Self Evaluation

Step 2: Take Inventory

Step 3: Seek Inspiration

Step 4: Acquiring Perfect Pieces

Step 5 & 6: Test Out Looks and Wear It With Gusto


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