Take a Love Bath: Informing the Collective Through the Element of Water

Thank you, Organic Authority, for the beautiful image and article about salt baths, https://www.organicauthority.com/health/p45399

In the Organic Authority article, it states that Epsom salt baths improve circulation, reduce stress and calm muscles.

Warm salt baths certainly help me. My intention is to allow the salty water to absorb all that does not serve me and take it down the drain and away from me. In light of all that is going on in the world with the coronavirus, I had an ah-ha moment in my bath the other night. I thought, “If the element of water can take my worries down the drain and into the collective system, then, too, it can take my love vibration into the collective.” So, this is what I did and what you can do too. The more of us that do this love-infusing bath, the more love we will share with the collective world vibration.

Please do this:

Draw a bath.

Add salts and essential oils if you have them. If not, no worries. Put a candle in the bathroom if that feels right.

Once you are in the water, take a few deep breaths into your heart space. Allow your subconscious or your imagination to bring into that space one thing at a time that you love. Allow whatever shows up without the need to question, rank, edit, adjust, or actively think. See what pops in first, perhaps its chocolate, your pet, your children, your mom or dad, your partner, your favorite space in the world. Just feel the feelings of loving whatever shows up for you. Whatever shows up, just be with it for as long as necessary and feel the feelings of loving that thing.

Naturally and effortlessly, the image is going to change to the next thing you love. Do this until you are ready to get out of the bath. All the while, envision yourself a radiator of love energy. As you feel that love in your heart of the various things that show up, radiate that into the water of the bath. You do not have to even think about doing this. It is happening anyway.

Your energy of love is restructuring, informing that bathtub full of water. You are filling that water up with the energy of all the things you love. When this process feels complete, allow that love energized water to flow out into the world.

Let it inform the collective, “Love here. I love, I am loving, I am loved. I am grateful, the world is full of beauty and love.” Or whatever feels right to you. Thank the water for spreading the message. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Lightworkers and light warriors, let us focus on spreading love rather than fear.

Want to listen?

Here is the video version.


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