Staying Open to New Information

Staying Open to New Information


Throughout my life I have grabbed on to ideas and beliefs with gusto, completely and totally. I really get behind my ideas. They are my story. They help define me. I am afraid of needles. I am completely against weed. I don’t eat tomatoes. I hate brussel sprouts. I am Catholic. Yada yada yada. Fortunately (and sometimes uncomfortablely) for me, it doesn’t take long for things to start happening in my reality that whittle away at these ideas and beliefs. The truth is . . . I don’t always have all the information and as new information presents itself, my firm beliefs soften and I become aware of a new reality.

Fear of Needles

I have always had a baseless fear of needles. I nearly faint when I see one. I have to lay down when they draw blood—it’s the weak-in-the-knees scenario. I turn my eyes when there is a needle on TV and flat out refuse to watch shows and movies about drugs. Something bad must have happened to me in a past life regarding needles. So, then, I take a job at an elementary school as the Office Manager/Payroll/Budget person who sometimes has to perform nursing duties (who knew?) Mostly, we administer meds to kids and clean up scrapes. Then, one day I find myself in charge of giving a 5-year-old a diabetes shot every day. Imagine my despair when I learned about this new assignment, given my fully developed fear of needles? No problem. I mustered up the courage and helped that child every day. Fear of needles—gone!

NO To Drugs

As alluded to in the previous paragraph, I have had a very negative attitude towards drugs. A few of my past boyfriends chose their cannibas addiction over hanging out with me and spent their money on drugs while I spent money on our dates. In my world, smoking weed takes away a person’s gumption and that is the very thing I like most about a person. Then, my cousin gets prostate cancer that consumes him fully. The only thing that gives him relief is cannibas. I am a first hand witness to someone who’s only solace is to have his awareness muddled by THC so that he can withstand the pain of his cancer. This changed my perspective on the substance. Not to mention, the fact that it is a plant-based solution to unbearable pain feels right to me. I still don’t intend to use the stuff personally because I love gumption—especially my own. This is what makes me unique.

I Hate Tomatoes

I have spent a good bit of my life picking tomatoes out of things—I just hate them. The ol’ shiver and gag reflex type of food hate. It is the texture that gets me. However, I am not fond of most tomato sauce either, often scraping off the excess sauce from my pizza.

gigantic tomato worm

The fear might also be related to the fact that we used to grow tomatoes in a giant garden when I was growing up and we often encountered tomato worms. Seriously, have you ever seen one of these finger-sized beasts? They are hideous. My dad used to put them (and there were many) on my bedroom screen just to bug me (no pun intended). Ack!

One day, my aunt, Beth Kozlowski, served up some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches at craft weekend and I simply could not avoid eating the soup. What do you know! I loved it. The chunks were all strained out so the texture was smooth and creamy (that’s part of how it is made.) This family recipe was passed down from another aunt, Pam Boddicker. Since my introduction to this tomato product, I now make, CAN (actually in Mason jars, not cans) and give away this incredible tomato soup. We give it for Christmas gifts and to people in need of some liquid LOVE at difficult times in their lives. In fact, I am currently working on a soup company start-up. Turns out I love tomato soup.

Gross, Brussel Sprouts

I’ll bet 90% of all Americans have said, “I hate brussel sprouts,” sometime during their lives. We grew up on steamed brussels that stunk up the house while they were being cooked. A few years ago my husband brought home some fresh brussel sprouts from Whole Foods. As is fairly typical for me, I saw them and went off about the purchase, “What the heck did you buy those for. I hate brussel sprouts.” I spend a good bit of time going on about what a dumb idea that was. He calmly assured me that he had just had some cooked in a new way and he thought I might enjoy them. Sure enough, he roasted the brussels with olive oil, salt and pepper, and drizzled them with balsamic reduction. They became one of my favorite things to eat in that moment. Makes me wonder what else I am missing out on based on out-dated thinking.

Catholic Univision

For most of my life I have attended mass every Sunday. We raised our children in the Catholic church. They were baptized and confirmed. It was a good way to bring us all together once a week, despite our busy schedules. I had attended other denominational services with friends in the past and visited a Unitarian service once with a boyfriend. But honestly, I hadn’t even thought about questioning my religion or trying something different. I was pretty complacent, though I did not believe fully in the Catholic program.

Then, my daughter left for college at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

Shortly thereafter, one morning I awoke with a name playing over and over in my head—Marla Mason, Marla Mason, Marla Mason. Dang! I jumped out of bed and raced to the computer to Google “Marla Mason.” Turns out she is a pastor at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle. Curious. I sent her a message telling her about my “dream” (though I don’t know if you would call it that) and asked if she had a message for me. She called me up shortly after. She was very intrigued and figured, “You might not be satisfied with your spiritual life and may want to stay open to new opportunities.” She recommended I try out some alternative church environments.

Later that week, my daughter started telling me about fellow college students taking her to a church service for young adults at Flatirons Community Church in Louisville, half way between us. She asked if I would go with her. I am quite certain, if I had not had the “Marla Mason” thing happen to me, I would have said, “No.” It might have creeped me out. “What? A MEGA CHURCH? I don’t think so.” But, I did not say that and instead joined her and her college friends to see what the fuss was about. Turns out ,it is MEGA because it is awesome, uplifting and highly impactful. That’s why so many people go. Catholic monocle—gone!

Staying Open

Makes me wonder what I have missed out on because of my reluctance to try new things or listen to an alternative opinion. And I consider myself pretty open-minded. Thankfully, the Universe pokes me until I rethink my stead-fast ideas. I find that I almost never have all the information I need to make an informed decision despite my best efforts. However, I seem to be bombarded by new experiences until I open myself up to a new perspective. I am staying open to more complete information on any subject. Staying open and seeking wisdom is the best we can do for our personal growth and evolution. Join me in this. Stay open. Welcome new information. Let’s see how things change in our world as a result.

Do you have a similar story about The Universe poking you to get you to move or change your opinion? Please share below.


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