5 Tips for Thriving in an Energetic World

5 Tips for Thriving in an Energetic World


Are you an empath: ultra sensitive person absorbing and holding the energy of the people around you? Lots of us are and don’t know it. It is very important for those of us who absorb and hold energy to have a way to separate ourselves from it. We need to stand in our own unique energy and bring our clear and beautiful self to the table.

I know three people who are losing weight, nauseous, unable to eat. They are dwindling away into nothingness. Each person has been seeking medical diagnosis through every medical test possible with inconclusive results. I believe they are sick because they are holding the negative energy of the world, media and people and do not have a method of clearing it.

I will be using fictitious names to honor the privacy of these women. Do you see yourself in any of these women?

Mayo Clinic Could not Help

Let’s call her Cathy. Cathy actually went to the Mayo Clinic where they told her there is nothing wrong with her. After one and a half years of nausea, she ended up in a mental hospital. Imagine that? “It’s in your head.” They concluded. Perhaps it is, but the physical experience of constant nausea is miserable, whatever the cause. Is there really nothing anyone can do for this woman? Is this a mental illness or a physical manifestation of ingesting negative energy for too long?

Angry Neighbors

Let’s call the second woman Nora. Nora has been surround by angry neighbors for 30 years. She has wanted to move for 20 of those years but has an unwilling spouse. She got so sick, losing weight from 135 pounds to 100 in nine months. She had to go to the mental hospital to “escape” the bad situation, where she met Cathy. If she goes back to that house with those nasty neighbors she will just continue to get sicker. She now lives in a retirement community as a temporary solution, away from her husband of 50 years. He enjoys fighting with the neighbors and refuses to let them win. Meanwhile, she is by herself and not happy about it.

Listening without judgement

The third we will call Sara. My sweet friend Sara is a hair stylist. She listens to 10-12 clients every day. Because she is so caring and loving, she listens without judgement to all the political, judgmental, negative rantings of her customers, endlessly. She is paid to listen, not respond or challenge. After countless years, it is to the point where she physically cannot do it another minute. She has lost her appetite, 20 pounds and continues to waste away. She has to get out of that job and heal herself.

Empaths: Sensitive People

What these three women have in common is they are all extremely sensitive people, good listeners, sympathetic to those around them. They are givers. They are empaths. They pay attention to what is going on in the world. They are absorbing the anger, stress and chaos around them. They are holding the sadness of others. People who are sensitive take on the energy of others all the time. If they have no way to rid themselves of peoples’ energy, or a way to protect themselves against this energy, they are likely to get sick. These three women are sick, very sick because of their sensitivity.

Being ultra-sensitive is a good thing. These are the people who care deeply for others. What would we do without them? If this is you, there are many things you can do to help manage this energy and keep it from taking over your life.

5 Tips for Thriving in a Energetic World

1. Shake it off or take a Psychic Shower

Identify if the problem, anger or energy is yours or someone else’s. Are YOU actually mad and angry or are you WITH someone who is mad and angry? Perhaps you are feeling and holding on to what someone else is feeling. When you notice this happening to you, literally brush down your body three times. Wipe down your arms, like you are moving this energy off your body. Pull it out of your head and flick it away. This is called a psychic shower, where you are cleansing yourself of unwanted energy. Do this after being with someone whose energy you might be holding. Do this every night before you go to bed. Trust that your intention will clear the energy from your body.

You can also give your body a good shake to let go of the energy you are holding. Running and vigorous walking can effectively shake off energy that is not yours. It is important to set the intention and know that this is what you are doing. The more you shed the energy that is not yours, the more you can feel the shift when it is gone and stand in your own unique energy.

2. Put yourself in a more supportive situation

If you can, remove yourself from the situation, job, or relationship you are in and find one that supports your growth and well-being. Your situation will change when YOU change your circumstance. If this is not possible . . .

3. Surround yourself with the Golden Egg of Protection or Force Field

This may sound silly . . . but it works. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Now, envision golden love energy pouring down over your head (sort of like honey), creating a golden layer or egg shape boundary around you. If that doesn’t resonate with you, visualize a force field of positive energy around you. The idea is that only love and positive energy can penetrate this golden layer or force field. Setting the intention and knowing this is in place all day, will help you whether you know it is working or not.

4. Send back to sender

When someone is sending you negative vibes, angry about something, complaining about other people or the job, or just generally nasty—lovingly think in your mind, “send back to sender,” and gently give it back to them. It is not YOURS to begin with and not YOURS to take on. They are having a bad day, don’t agree with a rule, didn’t sleep last night, and quite possibly, are not self-aware. It is not your job to argue, understand, or convince them otherwise. Your job is to allow them to be who they are and not take it on as your problem. When you “send back to sender,” they seem to feel the energy they are putting out and tend to react with new information shortly after.

If we FELT the energy we are sending out it would be amazing. If you are sending out POSITIVE energy and could actually feel it, that would be wonderful. If you send out NEGATIVE energy and then, became aware you were doing it, you would learn to be a better person. The instant feedback would be very helpful.

We are actually saying, “I see you / I hear you and this is what you look / sound like.” Ultimately, people want to be seen and heard. But that doesn’t mean YOU have to make it yours, sympathize or agree with them. It is OK to just see it or hear it and reflect it back as information.

5. Limit how much news / media you ingest

One of the main tenants of yoga is to be intentional about what enters your body. We think of food as the main thing we bring into our bodies. However, we allow much more than food in. We take in imagery, sound and energy from all people and media. Based on the media’s negative focus, we are constantly taken down a very turbulent path. If you are sensitive to this and endlessly watching TV, listening to or reading the news, you are libel to be sick.

If you are going to enjoy media (TV, music, movies, books) make sure it is uplifting. Limit greatly the political, violent, crime, sarcastic, negative media you ingest. Start immediately. Stop watching negative TV. Limit reading the paper or listening to the news. Make better choices for yourself. You will quickly notice a difference. Rest assured, you will know what is going on in the world through all the other people watching, reading or listening to the media.

Take Action Today

Most people don’t realize they are empaths or sensitive to energy. Being called an empath sounds like “psychic” or “intuitive” and people don’t feel comfortable with such labels. It is a wonderful thing to be able to tune into energy. We can tend to people better when we know what is going on with them. Being compassionate is a gift. It is also a challenge if we do not protect ourselves. If this is you, please consider employing these techniques to better care for your precious self. If you know someone who is suffering because of ultra-sensitivity to energy, share this with them immediately. We need to help our empaths!

I am happy to help. Please give me a call or book an appointment HERE.



    • Please let us know how this information helped once put into practice. I would love to hear about how it changed your situation. Thanks for reahcing out and sharing.

  1. as a male in society whos creative and deals with many many people good and bad (for lack of better wording atm) i am always surprised when i go sullen or moody aftre an encounter. Were taught that we have to abide it all , be string and get our lives and things done.
    AT the end of the day i had no idea how much i was taking on until i literally got sick and or ate my feelings. this and a few posts / reports lately have shown me (not a spring chicken either its NOT my responsibility ) NOW more ways to recognize and live healthfully is what i’m after. Thank you!!

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